Panoramic Psychiatry

Panoramic Psychiatry PLLC

Patient Resources

Log in to your account to access your payments, insurance, billing information, prescriptions, and more.

Find a Therapist

Psychology Today

Find a therapist who matches your individual needs. Psychology Today offers a comprehensive directory of mental health professionals, providing support and guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.

Find a Support Group

Mental Health America

Search listings of national support groups, serving as a valuable resource for individuals seeking a supportive community and specialized assistance across various aspects of mental health and well-being.

In Case of an Emergency

We do not provide crisis services or after-hours care. If you are in an EMERGENCY or require emergency services CALL 911 immediately or go to your local Emergency Department.

If you feel you are in a crisis, please text or call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to be connected to a crisis center near you.

Support Groups

Support groups offer a safe space where you can share, learn, and grow alongside individuals facing similar challenges.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous offers a community-led support network for people seeking to overcome alcohol dependence and maintain sobriety.

Grief Support

Find solace and understanding through grief support resources, offering compassionate guidance for those navigating the complexities of loss.

Postpartum Support

Explore resources and assistance, dedicated to aiding mothers through pregnancy and postpartum mental health challenges.